Jun 26Liked by kerimae

Hi Kerimae, I always say that the best thing about traveling is getting back to your own bed and pillow. I am a homebody. Juneau is landlocked so getting out of here is not cheap. As is your little island. Can't drive down the road to see what that other town might have to offer in the way of shopping or restaurants. Or thrift stores. My favorite. My husband and son take a trip in the Fall to go deer hunting. I wait for a fun activity that my Colorado family is involved in and then I go to that. Usually once a year. I'll go there in August for my 66th birthday. When our kids were all still at home, we put our minivan on a Ferry from Juneau to Skagway and from there we hit the road. 4,000 miles later through parts of the Yukon and British Columbia we ended just north of Denver. A week to get there, 3 weeks there, and a week to get home. My husband, always looking to save a penny, turned off the breakers at our home to save on electricity since we would be gone for 5 weeks. It was a last minute decision and not one thought of after that last kid's seatbelt was buckled. The large chest freezer was full of fish and deer. Not a pretty fragrance to come home to. We live and learn. We did that Juneau to Denver trip one more time, but the second time we flew to Arizona and rented a van. On that trip we got to visit other family members there too. Less hours on the road was better. For years and years I had a terrible time trying to get my husband to think about more vacations. I finally realized that he lives in his favorite place on the planet and all of the things he loves to do are here. People pay thousands to come visit our little city. Me, I'm a country girl. My bucket list consists of a trip to Nashville. I want to see the Grand Ole Opry all lit up for Christmas. That's all. Not Hawaii. Not Europe. Just Nashville. It will be epic.

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Well, my eyeballs got wide when I read "The large chest freezer was full of fish and deer" !!

I bet the smell knocked you all clean out! I have a terrible time getting my dh to take vacations too, but I think it's more because when he leaves, the business (our livelihood) completely closes down, so it's hard for him to relax. Sandy, you have the best stories!! I hope you have these written down for your family (maybe you need to start a Substack, too!!) And I do hope you'll grab a friend and go to Nashville; your hubby will stay home and keep the electricity on for you :)

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