I slid the curtains open this good morning and noticed that fog had settled into the cedars, turning the woods into vague and shadowy silhouettes. The miniature sunflowers along the fence line to the woodland popped bright heads of yellow, their tired black faces nodding goodbye to summer. I, however, wasn’t ready for those valedictions, and still stepped outside to sit and drink tea and read my Bible and to marinate upon whatever the Lord sought fit to convey.
Currently, I am studying through the book of Acts via Tabletalk Magazine. Certainly, no one needs a separate devotional or study guide outside of the Bible itself, but I found my self-study becoming rather rote, if you will. Front to back, then front again we go. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever, but I desired a longer lingering and perhaps a small amount of hand holding at present. Like someone who comes to a blank journal page with a mind overcome with a jumble of words but no trace or trickle from the pen, a …