On Bouncing Around the Internet
And finding the internet space that feels good and right to you, for you, at this time in your life. It doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s.
Somewhere in early 2006, I was crosslegged upon my bed while the house was still quiet, my large pregnant belly nesting upon my ankles. The northeast windows streamed in a golden morning light and I flipped through a copy of The Old Schoolhouse magazine. Those were inspiring days of homeschooling, my four youngsters all under nine years old, eager, happy, playful, interested in everything that involved books, scissors, crayons and dirt.
The article that caught my eye explained this new internet-based journal called a Web-Log, and now was called a “blog” for short. It invited me to join their platform, called Homeschool Blogger, and as I was feeling rather sad and lonesome over losing a dear friend, I decided to poke my head into the room of possible internet buddies. It took me a while to come up with a name for the blog, but I knew I wanted it to be honoring to God (Ps 26:7). Psalm 144:15 resonated with what I wanted to write about: Happy is that people…