Who is Keri Mae?
Keri Mae is a redeemed and insatiably curious and creative mother on the home front. Wife, mother, grandmother, homeschooler, homesteader, author, clinical herbalist, and holistic nutritionist.
You can also find her on Nostr, the only social media she currently uses. Nostr runs via relays, not via a corporation. You can find more information about it here: https://nostr.com/
Her public key to find her: npub1vg7z7wmyl48ed6r5ncvvreldgvqx48cy24tk4l6fke2emtzjmxtsff5xds
She writes, âThat I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous worksâ. (Ps 26:7)
What others say:
I love your blog!! It has such a cozy inviting feel. Your entries are beautiful and really reflect the love of Christ. Just had to drop you a note and say âthanksâ! Â Â Beth
I wanted to say how encouraging your blog is! God has blessed you with the gift of words. Â Amy
Thank you for sharing yourself in such a deep and meaningful way. I always feel nourished after reading your blog. Â Anonymous
Thank you for being a vessel, I needed to hear exactly what you wrote. Â Jasmine
Your words ground me. Â You write about real things and you inspire truth. Â Awcamp
It is wonderful how your experience written down has made me feel stronger, calmer and connected. Â Meaghan
Love love love it! Encouraging podcast! Hope to see it continue for a long time  Steenamarie
AwesomeâŠwish there was more! I love hearing about Keri Mae and her growing family. The audio is clear. The content is engaging and clean. The information is invaluable for moms with kids! Bryan Hart
Why subscribe?
Because youâre curious what a Christian wife and homeschooling mother of nine, two of whom have Down syndrome, has to say about the world and our part in it.
Because you like her writing, herbalism, art journaling, and other creative endeavors.
Because reading Keri Maeâs essays brings a warm, optimistic, and inspiring hope that even in the ordinary, Godâs grace is engaging, full, and enough.
Because you, too, want to cultivate a quiet life, simply and deliberately.
Because you want to be part of encouraging, empowering, and equipping women on the home front who desire to be productive and to love, educate, feed, and heal themselves, their families, and communities while staying faithful to Jesus Christ above all else.
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