Writing in an Unruly World
G3, Slow Schooling, and...plants? An insatiably curious woman and her current goings on.
I returned from Atlanta last Saturday full of gratitude not only for the teaching and encouragement of the G3 conference, but also that the bomb threat that evacuated all of the attendees on Friday night came to nothing other than a lengthy sweep with dogs over the evening and an arrest of the individual who raised such a distressing alarm. “Well,” I remember thinking at the time, “at least that person knows the gospel at this point. I hope he repents!”
We all, six ladies of whom half were in wheelchairs in our travels, made the long trip across the country on a lark. One of the women mentioned the conference in passing at our Bible study, and once we discovered the theme of the event (The Sovereignty of God), and which speakers were scheduled, our eldest study friend began the cry of, “I want to go to that!” And so this 83 year old woman gathered the rest of us with her and off we went, planes, trains (well, trams, if you want to be so precise), and automobi…