Owning a small business means occasionally taking the time to meet with other small business owners, so a group of us met on a lovely summer evening. The location was epic, on a summit surrounded by evergreens and gorgeous landscaping. Milling about with our drinks and business cards under bauble lights, the social hours passed pleasantly.
The “what do you do” question is of course naturally expected. And there I am always a little stumped. What do I do? The answer is prefaced with, “I’m the wife of Dr. Lamar, the chiropractor in town who’s been there for 26 years….” but that doesn’t answer what *I* am doing, other than fulfilling the role of wife. And that isn’t all I’m doing. Depending on the person asking, that may be enough of an answer, and I don’t press to give more information other than chiropractic, chiropractic, chiropractic. But interestingly, it usually doesn’t stop there, especially after I’m asked about children.
“We have nine,” I answer.
(pause and smile)
The gentleman is n…