Slow Schooling Chapter One
In which I describe the difference between conventional education and what I call slow schooling. Enjoy this first chapter of Slow Schooling for free.
(Of note: chapters begin and end with early blog posts)
"The School Thing"
Thursday, July 17, 2008 07:16
...we have homeschooled almost 18 years now... and I started out with the seat work at the table bit... but like you, I wanted more for my kiddos...I have all boys, I wanted each of them to be godly men , wonderful husbands, great fathers... so we tossed 80% of the books most years... We read lots of a family...we talked about them... and we did math...maybe 2-3 times a week. The boys were able to explore their interests peppered with real life instruction. For a month they worked with a neighbor learning how to shingle a roof, followed by volunteering at Habitat and learning other skills. One saved his money from raising rabbits and went to the state surplus auction where he bid on a hundred computers, swapped out parts and built 35 good ones which he sold on ebay and made a dandy profit. He spent HOURS absorbed in that whic…