Slow Schooling
On hibernating projects and revisiting--or asking for the first time--why are we homeschooling to begin with.
Below is a reprint from a blog post I wrote in 2015. It remains relevant to this day. I later wrote an entire book on the subject of what I call Slow Schooling. Why isn’t it published? Well, sometimes spending time with your kids means other projects take a backseat. And sometimes the project(s) are so big, it’s hard to find traction between packing and moving, homemaking, and, well, homeschooling.
So, I’m asking for your help. I’m going to publish this project one chapter at a time, every few weeks or so, for my paid subscribers. I would love to get any feedback, questions, comments, and thoughts on the topics we touch upon. Feel free to share your own experiences, and how the information I provide might be more useful (or what I ought to leave out!). I’ll be sharing the introduction and first chapter for free, but the others will be behind a paywall. I hope you’ll join in to help this project be a blessing (…