Church today, a mix of Christmas hymns and old standards, announcements, corporate prayer, communion, catechism. A deep inhalation of the cross, the gospel, wine and bread, stillness. An exhalation of burden, conviction, shame, shoulds and oughts. The new mix of flocked and green lit trees and other soft decor was a welcome addition, and the smell of warming potluck offerings wafted through the sanctuary as people on worn, wooden pews slowly shrugged off their puffy outwear over the hour.
As the message from 1 Peter began (an important book, methinks, in this era, but I digress), the muted shuffle of folks shifting in place began to be underlaid with a sweet wee voice, a dear child with thin curls sitting between her parents. Her tone was melodious and happy, a dreamy sort of contentedness. I found it charming, and wondered when I last found myself …