The morning was soft, a blue light slipping through the curtains as I stretched. I heard the rolling crunch of gravel as the other adults in my household set out for their workdays in a carpool. The youngers were still sleeping, and as I padded to the bathroom I could hear our two cats in the hallway scrambling after one another.
A sip of water, a steep of green tea, a settling into my low plush rocker with my blue cashmere blanket and a Bible. I read slowly as I rolled a small rubber ball under the arches of my feet, and considered anew what benefit it was for Jesus to leave us after His resurrection. As I closed up my Bible and sat it upon my lap, I thought how cliche this looked: a homemaking, Christian mom, with a worn Bible and steaming mug in hand, snuggled in. If I were an Influencer Mom (whatever that really means), I’d take a photo, maybe only my hands showing. “Soaking in the Word this morning” or some such. But I’m not…