Jeremiah 31:25 For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.
Spring showed up, as usual, unannounced. One dark and grey morning, I was stoking a hot burning wood fire in the kitchen; the next day, I flung open the slider doors for sunlit breezes full of birdsong. I’m not sure I was ready to stop wintering, but the first full day of sunshine was an energetic stirring, a calling to come out, come out, wherever you are.
And outside I stepped, and have hardly returned indoors. My email, for example, is an avalanche of neglect, and I’m sorely tempted to just delete that address and see what really happens (will the robins go away? will the cedar branches stop waving in puffs of wind?). I’ve written many, many starts of essays in my head, usually when I’m strolling around the property noticing all of the purple dead nettle or chickweed and promising to come back “later” to harvest and enjoy, but by the time I’m reluctantly drawn back inside for the evening…